Publications (follow my name for links)
Harrop, C., Jones, D.*, Zheng, S.*, Nowell, S.*, Boyd, B., & Sasson, N (online first). Circumscribed interests and attention in autism: The role of biological sex. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Harrop, C., Tu, N, Landa, R., Kaiser, A., & Kasari, C. (online first). Sensory experiences in minimally verbal children with autism: When and how do caregivers respond? American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Harrop, C., Shih, W., Gulsrud, A., Hovsepyan, L, & Kasari, C. (2017). The impact of caregiver mediated JASPER on restricted and repetitive behaviors and caregiver responses in toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research, 17, 9383-992.
Harrop, C., Hudry, K., Green, J., & the PACT Consortium (2017). Play complexity and toy engagement in preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Do girls and boys differ? Autism, 21, 37-50.
Harrop, C., McBee, M., & Boyd, B (2016). How are child restricted and repetitive behaviors associated with caregiver stress overtime? A parallel process multilevel growth model. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(5), 1773-1783.
Hutman, T., Harrop, C., Baker, E., Elder, E., Soares, A., Abood, K., & Jeste, S. S (2016). Joint engagement modulates object discrimination in toddlers: A pilot electrophysiological investigation. Social Neuroscience, 11(5), 525-530.
Harrop, C., Gulsrud, A., Shih, W., Hovsepyan, L., & Kasari, C. (2016) Characterizing caregiver responses to restricted and repetitive behaviors in toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. Autism, 20(3), 330-342.
Harrop, C., Gulsrud, A., & Kasari, C. (2015) Does gender moderate core deficits in ASD? An investigation into restricted and repetitive behaviors in girls and boys with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(11), 3644-3655.
Green, J., Charman T., Pickles, A., Wan M.W., Elsabbagh, M., Slonims V., Taylor, C., McNally, J., Booth, R., Gilga, T., Jones, E., Harrop, C., Bedford, R., Johnson, M., & the BASIS Team (2015).Parent-mediated intervention for infants at high risk of autism: A randomized controlled prevention trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(2), 133-140.
Harrop, C. (2015) Evidence-based caregiver mediated interventions for young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The case of restricted and repetitive behaviors. Autism, 19(6), 662-672.
Harrop, C., Shire, S., Gulsrud, A., Chang, Y., Ishijma, E., Lawton, K., & Kasari, C (2015). Does gender moderate core deficits in ASD? An investigation into social-communication and play. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(3), 766-777.
Harrop, C., McConachie, H., Emsley, R., Leadbitter, K., Green, J., & The PACT Consortium (2014). Restricted and repetitive behaviors in autism spectrum disorders and typical development: Cross-sectional and longitudinal comparisons. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 44(5), 1207-19.
Larsen, J., Ainsworth, A., Harrop, C., Patterson, S., Hamilton, S., Szymczynska, P. Tew, J., Manthorpe, J & Pinfold, V. (2013). Implementing personalization for people with mental health problems: A comparative case study of four local authorities in England. Journal of Mental Health, 22(2), 174-182.